This commit is contained in:
@ -2,6 +2,12 @@
An opinionated blog.
An opinionated blog.
I write posts about technology and other interests that I have.
I write posts about technology and other interests that I have.
To iterate locally:
docker build -t wip .
docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 wip hugo serve --bind --port 8080
## Things I want to write
## Things I want to write
### Opinion Piecese
### Opinion Piecese
@ -6,3 +6,264 @@ tags = ['tutorial']
categories = ['technical']
categories = ['technical']
content goes here.
content goes here.
808 17/12/24 19:06:42 git clone https://github.com/lukesmithxyz/mutt-wizard
809 17/12/24 19:07:18 cd mutt-wizard/
810 17/12/24 19:07:18 ls
811 17/12/24 19:07:24 which isync
812 17/12/24 19:07:30 sudo pacman -S isync
813 17/12/24 19:07:37 msmtp
814 17/12/24 19:07:42 sudo pacman -S msmtp
815 17/12/24 19:07:47 which pass
816 17/12/24 19:07:51 pacman -Ss pass
817 17/12/24 19:07:54 pacman -S pass
818 17/12/24 19:07:57 sudo pacman -S pass
819 17/12/24 19:08:13 passmenu
820 17/12/24 19:08:44 vim /usr/bin/passmenu
821 17/12/24 19:09:13 sudo vim /usr/bin/passmenu
822 17/12/24 19:09:24 passmenu
823 17/12/24 19:09:43 gpg --full-gen-key
824 17/12/24 19:10:59 pass init asger.gitz@hotmail.com
825 17/12/24 19:11:08 which lynx
826 17/12/24 19:11:13 which notmuch
827 17/12/24 19:11:22 sudo pacman -S notmuch abook
828 17/12/24 19:11:25 sudo pacman -S notmuch
829 17/12/24 19:11:32 pacman -Ss abook
830 17/12/24 19:11:37 yay -Ss abook
831 17/12/24 19:11:47 yay -S abook
832 17/12/24 19:12:15 mw
833 17/12/24 19:12:16 ls
834 17/12/24 19:12:35 ./bin/mw
835 17/12/24 19:12:57 ls
836 17/12/24 19:13:01 cat README.md
837 17/12/24 19:13:04 bat README.md
838 17/12/24 19:03:41 Hyprland
839 17/12/24 19:20:13 pacman -Ss neomutt
840 17/12/24 19:20:18 sudo pacman -S neomutt
841 17/12/24 19:20:31 sudo pacman -Syu
842 17/12/24 19:21:35 sudo pacman -S neomutt
843 17/12/24 19:21:49 neomutt
844 17/12/24 19:22:08 cd git/mutt-wizard/
845 17/12/24 19:22:09 ls
846 17/12/24 19:22:14 ./bin/mw -a
847 17/12/24 19:22:21 ./bin/mw -a asger.gitz@hotmail.com
848 17/12/24 19:25:41 man neomutt
849 17/12/24 19:25:57 man -s neomutt
850 17/12/24 19:26:05 man -k neomutt
851 17/12/24 19:26:10 apropos mutt
852 17/12/24 19:26:14 man -k mutt
853 17/12/24 19:26:18 man neomutt
854 17/12/24 19:31:34 info neomutt
855 17/12/24 19:31:41 man neomutt
856 17/12/24 19:31:45 man 2 neomutt
857 17/12/24 19:31:46 man 8 neomutt
858 17/12/24 19:33:29 cd /usr/share/doc/neomutt/
859 17/12/24 19:33:39 pacman -S pandoc
860 17/12/24 19:33:41 sudo pacman -S pandoc
861 17/12/24 19:37:07 pandoc -f html -t epub3 -o neomutt-manual.epub manual.html
862 17/12/24 19:37:54 ls
863 17/12/24 19:37:56 ls -lah
864 17/12/24 19:38:05 pandoc -f html -t epub3 -o ~/neomutt-manual.epub manual.html
865 17/12/24 19:30:34 ls /usr/share/doc/
866 17/12/24 19:30:38 ls /usr/share/doc/neomutt/
867 17/12/24 19:30:53 cd /usr/share/doc/neomutt/
868 17/12/24 19:30:53 ls
869 17/12/24 19:30:54 ll
870 17/12/24 19:30:56 ranger
871 17/12/24 22:01:44 n
872 17/12/24 22:06:13 ls
873 17/12/24 22:07:42 sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/mutt-wizard/mbsync-temp
874 17/12/24 22:07:49 mkdir -p /usr/local/share/mutt-wizard/mbsync-temp
875 17/12/24 22:07:52 sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/mutt-wizard/mbsync-temp
876 17/12/24 22:08:04 sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/mutt-wizard/msmtp-temp
877 17/12/24 22:08:08 sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/mutt-wizard/mutt-temp
878 17/12/24 22:08:12 sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/mutt-wizard/notmuch-temp
879 17/12/24 22:08:23 ls
880 17/12/24 22:08:31 cp email-token email-token.bak
881 17/12/24 22:19:45 ls
882 17/12/24 22:21:53 ls /usr/local/share/mutt-wizard/notmuch-temp/
883 17/12/24 22:22:03 ls /usr/local/share/mutt-wizard/
884 17/12/24 22:22:10 ranger /usr/local/share/mutt-wizard/
885 17/12/24 22:22:42 sudo rm -rf /usr/local/share/mutt-wizard/*
886 17/12/24 22:31:31 n .mbsyncrc
887 17/12/24 22:33:14 ls
888 17/12/24 22:33:23 mv email-token.bak documents/
889 17/12/24 22:33:24 ls do
890 17/12/24 22:33:26 ls documents/
891 17/12/24 22:34:10 lsblk
892 17/12/24 22:34:13 df -h
893 17/12/24 22:34:45 neomutt
894 17/12/24 21:41:57 cd git/mutt-wizard/
895 17/12/24 21:42:02 ./bin/mw -l
896 17/12/24 21:42:10 ./bin/mw -a asger.gitz@hotmail.com
897 17/12/24 21:43:25 gpg --list-keys
898 17/12/24 21:44:37 pass init asger.gitz@hotmail.com
899 17/12/24 21:44:52 pass help
900 17/12/24 21:44:57 pass ls
901 17/12/24 21:45:02 pass init asger.gitz@hotmail.com
902 17/12/24 21:45:05 ./bin/mw -a asger.gitz@hotmail.com
903 17/12/24 21:45:37 ./bin/mw
904 17/12/24 21:45:46 ./bin/mw -D asger.gitz@hotmail.com
905 17/12/24 21:45:54 pass edit asger.gitz@hotmail.com
906 17/12/24 21:46:13 man pass
907 17/12/24 21:46:44 pass edit asger.gitz@hotmail.com
908 17/12/24 21:48:44 ./bin/mw -a asger.gitz@hotmail.com
909 17/12/24 21:49:25 ./bin/mw -l
910 17/12/24 21:49:30 ./bin/mw -d
911 17/12/24 21:49:41 pass list
912 17/12/24 21:49:46 pass help
913 17/12/24 21:49:56 pass rm asger.gitz@hotmail.com
914 17/12/24 21:50:05 ./bin/mw
915 17/12/24 21:50:11 ./bin/mw -a asger.gitz@hotmail.com
916 17/12/24 21:51:42 ./bin/mw -a asger.gitz@hotmail.com -I 003 -S 587
917 17/12/24 21:52:05 ./bin/mw -a asger.gitz@hotmail.com -I 993 -S 587
918 17/12/24 21:52:42 pass list
919 17/12/24 21:52:48 pass help
920 17/12/24 21:52:59 pass show
921 17/12/24 21:53:03 pass show asger.gitz@hotmail.com
922 17/12/24 21:53:40 pass edit asger.gitz@hotmail.com
923 17/12/24 21:54:08 ./bin/mw -a asger.gitz@hotmail.com -I 993 -S 587
924 17/12/24 22:00:07 /usr/share/neomutt/oauth2/mutt_oauth2.py -v -t --authorize --email "asger.gitz@hotmail.com" --provider microsoft --encryption-pipe "gpg --encrypt --recipient asger.gitz@hotmail.com"
925 17/12/24 22:00:21 /usr/share/neomutt/oauth2/mutt_oauth2.py -v -t --authorize --email "asger.gitz@hotmail.com" --provider microsoft --encryption-pipe "gpg --encrypt --recipient asger.gitz@hotmail.com" token_path
926 17/12/24 22:02:36 ls
927 17/12/24 22:02:39 cat token_path
928 17/12/24 22:03:06 mv token_path ..
929 17/12/24 22:03:09 cd ..
930 17/12/24 22:03:10 ls
931 17/12/24 22:03:14 mv token_path ..
932 17/12/24 22:03:15 cd ..
933 17/12/24 22:03:16 ls
934 17/12/24 22:03:25 mv token_path email-token
935 17/12/24 22:03:28 cd git/mutt-wizard/
936 17/12/24 22:03:31 lg
937 17/12/24 22:03:47 cd ..
938 17/12/24 22:03:49 rm -rf mutt-wizard/
939 17/12/24 22:03:54 git clone https://github.com/rampaq/mutt-wizard/tree/oauth2
940 17/12/24 22:04:10 git clone git@github.com:rampaq/mutt-wizard.git
941 17/12/24 22:04:14 cd mutt-wizard/
942 17/12/24 22:04:15 ls
943 17/12/24 22:04:21 lg
944 17/12/24 22:04:29 ./bin/mw
945 17/12/24 22:05:37 ./bin/mw -a asger.gitz@hotmail.com
946 17/12/24 22:07:19 ;s
947 17/12/24 22:07:20 ls
948 17/12/24 22:08:15 ./bin/mw -a asger.gitz@hotmail.com
949 17/12/24 22:09:30 ls ~
950 17/12/24 22:09:37 ./bin/mw -l
951 17/12/24 22:09:40 neomutt
952 17/12/24 22:14:36 ./bin/mw -l
953 17/12/24 22:14:39 ./bin/mw
954 17/12/24 22:14:44 ./bin/mw -d
955 17/12/24 22:15:02 mbsync -a
956 17/12/24 22:16:09 cd
957 17/12/24 22:16:16 ls .config/msmtp/config
958 17/12/24 22:16:36 ln -s .config/msmtp/config .msmtprc
959 17/12/24 22:16:40 ll
960 17/12/24 22:17:47 cat .mbsyncrc
961 17/12/24 22:17:56 ll
962 17/12/24 22:18:11 ll .mbsyncrc
963 17/12/24 22:18:29 cat .config/msmtp/config
964 17/12/24 22:18:51 cd git/mutt-wizard/
965 17/12/24 22:18:55 ./bin/mw
966 17/12/24 22:19:03 ./bin/mw -a asger.gitz@hotmail.com
967 17/12/24 22:19:10 ./bin/mw -d
968 17/12/24 22:19:13 ./bin/mw -a asger.gitz@hotmail.com
969 17/12/24 22:20:03 ls
970 17/12/24 22:20:06 cat ./bin/mw
971 17/12/24 22:20:36 less ./bin/mw
972 17/12/24 22:22:59 ./bin/mw -a asger.gitz@hotmail.com
973 17/12/24 22:23:02 ./bin/mw -d
974 17/12/24 22:23:04 ./bin/mw -a asger.gitz@hotmail.com
975 17/12/24 22:23:48 n bin/mw
976 17/12/24 22:24:10 ./bin/mw -a asger.gitz@hotmail.com
977 17/12/24 22:24:14 ./bin/mw -d
978 17/12/24 22:24:17 ./bin/mw -a asger.gitz@hotmail.com
979 17/12/24 22:24:52 msmtp -a
980 17/12/24 22:24:58 mbsync -a
981 17/12/24 22:25:02 man mbsync
982 17/12/24 22:25:23 n bin/mw
983 17/12/24 22:27:03 ls
984 17/12/24 22:27:08 make
985 17/12/24 22:27:12 sudo make install
986 17/12/24 22:27:27 mw -d
987 17/12/24 22:27:32 n bin/mw
988 17/12/24 22:27:37 sudo make install
989 17/12/24 22:27:47 mw -a asger.gitz@hotmail.com
990 17/12/24 22:28:08 neomutt
991 17/12/24 22:28:17 mbsync -a
992 17/12/24 22:29:24 cd ..
993 17/12/24 22:29:32 yay -Ss cyrus-sasl
994 17/12/24 22:29:47 yay -S cyrus-sasl-xoauth2.git
995 17/12/24 22:29:58 yay -S cyrus-sasl-xoauth2-git
996 17/12/24 22:30:17 mbsync -a
997 17/12/24 22:37:12 mw
998 17/12/24 22:37:18 man mbsync
999 17/12/24 22:37:33 man mbsyncd
1000 17/12/24 21:27:10 Hyprland
1001 18/12/24 07:13:16 cd dotfiles/
1002 18/12/24 07:13:17 n
1003 18/12/24 07:14:15 cd dotfiles/
1004 18/12/24 07:14:16 n
1005 18/12/24 07:18:11 neomutt
1006 18/12/24 07:18:21 mbsync -a
1007 18/12/24 07:19:00 ls
1008 18/12/24 07:19:02 ll
1009 18/12/24 07:19:14 mbsync -a
1010 18/12/24 07:19:38 gpg -qe -r asger.gitz@hotmail.com asger.gitz@hotmail.com.tokens
1011 18/12/24 07:19:47 mbsync -a
1012 18/12/24 07:20:03 pass init asger.gitz@hotmail.com
1013 18/12/24 07:20:05 mbsync -a
1014 18/12/24 07:20:14 pass show asger.gitz@hotmail.com
1015 18/12/24 07:20:18 pass list
1016 18/12/24 07:20:22 pass show asger.gitz@hotmail.com.tokens
1017 18/12/24 07:20:42 pass init asger.gitz@hotmail.com.tokens
1018 18/12/24 07:20:45 pass show asger.gitz@hotmail.com.tokens
1019 18/12/24 07:20:51 pass list
1020 18/12/24 07:21:16 mbsync -a
1021 18/12/24 07:29:09 history
927 18/12/24 19:38:06 dwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
928 18/12/24 19:38:29 ./mutt_oauth2.py -v -t --authorize --client-id "9e5f94bc-e8a4-4e73-b8be-63364c29d753" --client-secret "" --email "asger.gitz@hotmail.com" --provider microsoft --decryption-pipe "gpg --decrypt /home/agj/.password-store/asger.gitz\@hotmail.com.gpg" /home/agj/email-token
929 18/12/24 19:38:58 /usr/share/neomutt/oauth2/mutt_oauth2.py -v -t --authorize --client-id "9e5f94bc-e8a4-4e73-b8be-63364c29d753" --client-secret "" --email "asger.gitz@hotmail.com" --provider microsoft --decryption-pipe "gpg --decrypt /home/agj/.password-store/asger.gitz\@hotmail.com.gpg" /home/agj/email-token
930 18/12/24 19:39:08 sudo vim /usr/share/neomutt/oauth2/mutt_oauth2.py
931 18/12/24 19:39:25 /usr/share/neomutt/oauth2/mutt_oauth2.py -v -t --authorize --client-id "9e5f94bc-e8a4-4e73-b8be-63364c29d753" --client-secret "" --email "asger.gitz@hotmail.com" --provider microsoft --decryption-pipe "gpg --decrypt /home/agj/.password-store/asger.gitz\@hotmail.com.gpg" /home/agj/email-token
932 18/12/24 19:39:39 cat /home/agj/email-token
933 18/12/24 19:39:53 ls ..
934 18/12/24 19:39:56 ls .. -lah
935 18/12/24 19:40:34 history | grep email-token.bak
936 18/12/24 19:40:42 cd ..
937 18/12/24 19:40:44 rm email-token
938 18/12/24 19:40:53 cp documents/email-token.bak email-token
939 18/12/24 19:40:57 /usr/share/neomutt/oauth2/mutt_oauth2.py -v -t --authorize --client-id "9e5f94bc-e8a4-4e73-b8be-63364c29d753" --client-secret "" --email "asger.gitz@hotmail.com" --provider microsoft --decryption-pipe "gpg --decrypt /home/agj/.password-store/asger.gitz\@hotmail.com.gpg" /home/agj/email-token
940 18/12/24 19:40:58 ls
941 18/12/24 19:40:59 ll
942 18/12/24 19:41:03 cat email-token
943 18/12/24 19:41:19 mw -l
944 18/12/24 19:41:20 mw -d
945 18/12/24 19:41:29 mw -a asger.gitz@hotmail.com
946 18/12/24 19:42:07 /usr/share/neomutt/oauth2/mutt_oauth2.py -v -t --authorize --client-id "9e5f94bc-e8a4-4e73-b8be-63364c29d753" --client-secret "" --email "asger.gitz@hotmail.com" --provider microsoft /home/agj/email-token-hest
947 18/12/24 19:42:47 ls
948 18/12/24 19:42:56 cat email-token-hest
949 18/12/24 19:43:00 mailsync
950 18/12/24 19:43:04 n .mbsyncrc
951 18/12/24 19:43:15 mailsync
952 18/12/24 19:43:20 n .mbsyncrc
953 18/12/24 19:43:36 cat .password-store/asger.gitz\@hotmail.com.tokens
954 18/12/24 19:43:45 file .password-store/asger.gitz\@hotmail.com.tokens
955 18/12/24 19:43:49 n .mbsyncrc
956 18/12/24 19:44:05 mailsync
957 18/12/24 19:44:13 mbsync -a
958 18/12/24 19:44:29 n .mbsyncrc
959 18/12/24 19:44:43 mbsync -a
960 18/12/24 19:44:46 n .mbsyncrc
961 18/12/24 19:45:17 mbsync -a
962 18/12/24 19:45:27 g456123
963 18/12/24 19:45:36 mailsync
964 18/12/24 19:32:53 Hyprland
965 18/12/24 19:45:46 sudo reboot
966 18/12/24 19:53:57 which view-mailcap
967 18/12/24 19:47:37 mailsync
968 18/12/24 19:47:49 ls
969 18/12/24 19:48:22 neomutt
@ -1,274 +1,13 @@
date = '2024-12-19'
date = '2024-12-19'
draft = true
title = 'Neomutt and Outlook'
title = 'How to Use Two-Factor Authentication in Neomutt'
tags = ['howto', 'tutorial', 'mutt', '2fa', 'oauth2']
tags = ['howto', 'tutorial', 'mutt', '2fa', 'oauth2']
categories = ['technical']
categories = ['technical']
808 17/12/24 19:06:42 git clone https://github.com/lukesmithxyz/mutt-wizard
809 17/12/24 19:07:18 cd mutt-wizard/
810 17/12/24 19:07:18 ls
811 17/12/24 19:07:24 which isync
812 17/12/24 19:07:30 sudo pacman -S isync
813 17/12/24 19:07:37 msmtp
814 17/12/24 19:07:42 sudo pacman -S msmtp
815 17/12/24 19:07:47 which pass
816 17/12/24 19:07:51 pacman -Ss pass
817 17/12/24 19:07:54 pacman -S pass
818 17/12/24 19:07:57 sudo pacman -S pass
819 17/12/24 19:08:13 passmenu
820 17/12/24 19:08:44 vim /usr/bin/passmenu
821 17/12/24 19:09:13 sudo vim /usr/bin/passmenu
822 17/12/24 19:09:24 passmenu
823 17/12/24 19:09:43 gpg --full-gen-key
824 17/12/24 19:10:59 pass init asger.gitz@hotmail.com
825 17/12/24 19:11:08 which lynx
826 17/12/24 19:11:13 which notmuch
827 17/12/24 19:11:22 sudo pacman -S notmuch abook
828 17/12/24 19:11:25 sudo pacman -S notmuch
829 17/12/24 19:11:32 pacman -Ss abook
830 17/12/24 19:11:37 yay -Ss abook
831 17/12/24 19:11:47 yay -S abook
832 17/12/24 19:12:15 mw
833 17/12/24 19:12:16 ls
834 17/12/24 19:12:35 ./bin/mw
835 17/12/24 19:12:57 ls
836 17/12/24 19:13:01 cat README.md
837 17/12/24 19:13:04 bat README.md
838 17/12/24 19:03:41 Hyprland
839 17/12/24 19:20:13 pacman -Ss neomutt
840 17/12/24 19:20:18 sudo pacman -S neomutt
841 17/12/24 19:20:31 sudo pacman -Syu
842 17/12/24 19:21:35 sudo pacman -S neomutt
843 17/12/24 19:21:49 neomutt
844 17/12/24 19:22:08 cd git/mutt-wizard/
845 17/12/24 19:22:09 ls
846 17/12/24 19:22:14 ./bin/mw -a
847 17/12/24 19:22:21 ./bin/mw -a asger.gitz@hotmail.com
848 17/12/24 19:25:41 man neomutt
849 17/12/24 19:25:57 man -s neomutt
850 17/12/24 19:26:05 man -k neomutt
851 17/12/24 19:26:10 apropos mutt
852 17/12/24 19:26:14 man -k mutt
853 17/12/24 19:26:18 man neomutt
854 17/12/24 19:31:34 info neomutt
855 17/12/24 19:31:41 man neomutt
856 17/12/24 19:31:45 man 2 neomutt
857 17/12/24 19:31:46 man 8 neomutt
858 17/12/24 19:33:29 cd /usr/share/doc/neomutt/
859 17/12/24 19:33:39 pacman -S pandoc
860 17/12/24 19:33:41 sudo pacman -S pandoc
861 17/12/24 19:37:07 pandoc -f html -t epub3 -o neomutt-manual.epub manual.html
862 17/12/24 19:37:54 ls
863 17/12/24 19:37:56 ls -lah
864 17/12/24 19:38:05 pandoc -f html -t epub3 -o ~/neomutt-manual.epub manual.html
865 17/12/24 19:30:34 ls /usr/share/doc/
866 17/12/24 19:30:38 ls /usr/share/doc/neomutt/
867 17/12/24 19:30:53 cd /usr/share/doc/neomutt/
868 17/12/24 19:30:53 ls
869 17/12/24 19:30:54 ll
870 17/12/24 19:30:56 ranger
871 17/12/24 22:01:44 n
872 17/12/24 22:06:13 ls
873 17/12/24 22:07:42 sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/mutt-wizard/mbsync-temp
874 17/12/24 22:07:49 mkdir -p /usr/local/share/mutt-wizard/mbsync-temp
875 17/12/24 22:07:52 sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/mutt-wizard/mbsync-temp
876 17/12/24 22:08:04 sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/mutt-wizard/msmtp-temp
877 17/12/24 22:08:08 sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/mutt-wizard/mutt-temp
878 17/12/24 22:08:12 sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/mutt-wizard/notmuch-temp
879 17/12/24 22:08:23 ls
880 17/12/24 22:08:31 cp email-token email-token.bak
881 17/12/24 22:19:45 ls
882 17/12/24 22:21:53 ls /usr/local/share/mutt-wizard/notmuch-temp/
883 17/12/24 22:22:03 ls /usr/local/share/mutt-wizard/
884 17/12/24 22:22:10 ranger /usr/local/share/mutt-wizard/
885 17/12/24 22:22:42 sudo rm -rf /usr/local/share/mutt-wizard/*
886 17/12/24 22:31:31 n .mbsyncrc
887 17/12/24 22:33:14 ls
888 17/12/24 22:33:23 mv email-token.bak documents/
889 17/12/24 22:33:24 ls do
890 17/12/24 22:33:26 ls documents/
891 17/12/24 22:34:10 lsblk
892 17/12/24 22:34:13 df -h
893 17/12/24 22:34:45 neomutt
894 17/12/24 21:41:57 cd git/mutt-wizard/
895 17/12/24 21:42:02 ./bin/mw -l
896 17/12/24 21:42:10 ./bin/mw -a asger.gitz@hotmail.com
897 17/12/24 21:43:25 gpg --list-keys
898 17/12/24 21:44:37 pass init asger.gitz@hotmail.com
899 17/12/24 21:44:52 pass help
900 17/12/24 21:44:57 pass ls
901 17/12/24 21:45:02 pass init asger.gitz@hotmail.com
902 17/12/24 21:45:05 ./bin/mw -a asger.gitz@hotmail.com
903 17/12/24 21:45:37 ./bin/mw
904 17/12/24 21:45:46 ./bin/mw -D asger.gitz@hotmail.com
905 17/12/24 21:45:54 pass edit asger.gitz@hotmail.com
906 17/12/24 21:46:13 man pass
907 17/12/24 21:46:44 pass edit asger.gitz@hotmail.com
908 17/12/24 21:48:44 ./bin/mw -a asger.gitz@hotmail.com
909 17/12/24 21:49:25 ./bin/mw -l
910 17/12/24 21:49:30 ./bin/mw -d
911 17/12/24 21:49:41 pass list
912 17/12/24 21:49:46 pass help
913 17/12/24 21:49:56 pass rm asger.gitz@hotmail.com
914 17/12/24 21:50:05 ./bin/mw
915 17/12/24 21:50:11 ./bin/mw -a asger.gitz@hotmail.com
916 17/12/24 21:51:42 ./bin/mw -a asger.gitz@hotmail.com -I 003 -S 587
917 17/12/24 21:52:05 ./bin/mw -a asger.gitz@hotmail.com -I 993 -S 587
918 17/12/24 21:52:42 pass list
919 17/12/24 21:52:48 pass help
920 17/12/24 21:52:59 pass show
921 17/12/24 21:53:03 pass show asger.gitz@hotmail.com
922 17/12/24 21:53:40 pass edit asger.gitz@hotmail.com
923 17/12/24 21:54:08 ./bin/mw -a asger.gitz@hotmail.com -I 993 -S 587
924 17/12/24 22:00:07 /usr/share/neomutt/oauth2/mutt_oauth2.py -v -t --authorize --email "asger.gitz@hotmail.com" --provider microsoft --encryption-pipe "gpg --encrypt --recipient asger.gitz@hotmail.com"
925 17/12/24 22:00:21 /usr/share/neomutt/oauth2/mutt_oauth2.py -v -t --authorize --email "asger.gitz@hotmail.com" --provider microsoft --encryption-pipe "gpg --encrypt --recipient asger.gitz@hotmail.com" token_path
926 17/12/24 22:02:36 ls
927 17/12/24 22:02:39 cat token_path
928 17/12/24 22:03:06 mv token_path ..
929 17/12/24 22:03:09 cd ..
930 17/12/24 22:03:10 ls
931 17/12/24 22:03:14 mv token_path ..
932 17/12/24 22:03:15 cd ..
933 17/12/24 22:03:16 ls
934 17/12/24 22:03:25 mv token_path email-token
935 17/12/24 22:03:28 cd git/mutt-wizard/
936 17/12/24 22:03:31 lg
937 17/12/24 22:03:47 cd ..
938 17/12/24 22:03:49 rm -rf mutt-wizard/
939 17/12/24 22:03:54 git clone https://github.com/rampaq/mutt-wizard/tree/oauth2
940 17/12/24 22:04:10 git clone git@github.com:rampaq/mutt-wizard.git
941 17/12/24 22:04:14 cd mutt-wizard/
942 17/12/24 22:04:15 ls
943 17/12/24 22:04:21 lg
944 17/12/24 22:04:29 ./bin/mw
945 17/12/24 22:05:37 ./bin/mw -a asger.gitz@hotmail.com
946 17/12/24 22:07:19 ;s
947 17/12/24 22:07:20 ls
948 17/12/24 22:08:15 ./bin/mw -a asger.gitz@hotmail.com
949 17/12/24 22:09:30 ls ~
950 17/12/24 22:09:37 ./bin/mw -l
951 17/12/24 22:09:40 neomutt
952 17/12/24 22:14:36 ./bin/mw -l
953 17/12/24 22:14:39 ./bin/mw
954 17/12/24 22:14:44 ./bin/mw -d
955 17/12/24 22:15:02 mbsync -a
956 17/12/24 22:16:09 cd
957 17/12/24 22:16:16 ls .config/msmtp/config
958 17/12/24 22:16:36 ln -s .config/msmtp/config .msmtprc
959 17/12/24 22:16:40 ll
960 17/12/24 22:17:47 cat .mbsyncrc
961 17/12/24 22:17:56 ll
962 17/12/24 22:18:11 ll .mbsyncrc
963 17/12/24 22:18:29 cat .config/msmtp/config
964 17/12/24 22:18:51 cd git/mutt-wizard/
965 17/12/24 22:18:55 ./bin/mw
966 17/12/24 22:19:03 ./bin/mw -a asger.gitz@hotmail.com
967 17/12/24 22:19:10 ./bin/mw -d
968 17/12/24 22:19:13 ./bin/mw -a asger.gitz@hotmail.com
969 17/12/24 22:20:03 ls
970 17/12/24 22:20:06 cat ./bin/mw
971 17/12/24 22:20:36 less ./bin/mw
972 17/12/24 22:22:59 ./bin/mw -a asger.gitz@hotmail.com
973 17/12/24 22:23:02 ./bin/mw -d
974 17/12/24 22:23:04 ./bin/mw -a asger.gitz@hotmail.com
975 17/12/24 22:23:48 n bin/mw
976 17/12/24 22:24:10 ./bin/mw -a asger.gitz@hotmail.com
977 17/12/24 22:24:14 ./bin/mw -d
978 17/12/24 22:24:17 ./bin/mw -a asger.gitz@hotmail.com
979 17/12/24 22:24:52 msmtp -a
980 17/12/24 22:24:58 mbsync -a
981 17/12/24 22:25:02 man mbsync
982 17/12/24 22:25:23 n bin/mw
983 17/12/24 22:27:03 ls
984 17/12/24 22:27:08 make
985 17/12/24 22:27:12 sudo make install
986 17/12/24 22:27:27 mw -d
987 17/12/24 22:27:32 n bin/mw
988 17/12/24 22:27:37 sudo make install
989 17/12/24 22:27:47 mw -a asger.gitz@hotmail.com
990 17/12/24 22:28:08 neomutt
991 17/12/24 22:28:17 mbsync -a
992 17/12/24 22:29:24 cd ..
993 17/12/24 22:29:32 yay -Ss cyrus-sasl
994 17/12/24 22:29:47 yay -S cyrus-sasl-xoauth2.git
995 17/12/24 22:29:58 yay -S cyrus-sasl-xoauth2-git
996 17/12/24 22:30:17 mbsync -a
997 17/12/24 22:37:12 mw
998 17/12/24 22:37:18 man mbsync
999 17/12/24 22:37:33 man mbsyncd
1000 17/12/24 21:27:10 Hyprland
1001 18/12/24 07:13:16 cd dotfiles/
1002 18/12/24 07:13:17 n
1003 18/12/24 07:14:15 cd dotfiles/
1004 18/12/24 07:14:16 n
1005 18/12/24 07:18:11 neomutt
1006 18/12/24 07:18:21 mbsync -a
1007 18/12/24 07:19:00 ls
1008 18/12/24 07:19:02 ll
1009 18/12/24 07:19:14 mbsync -a
1010 18/12/24 07:19:38 gpg -qe -r asger.gitz@hotmail.com asger.gitz@hotmail.com.tokens
1011 18/12/24 07:19:47 mbsync -a
1012 18/12/24 07:20:03 pass init asger.gitz@hotmail.com
1013 18/12/24 07:20:05 mbsync -a
1014 18/12/24 07:20:14 pass show asger.gitz@hotmail.com
1015 18/12/24 07:20:18 pass list
1016 18/12/24 07:20:22 pass show asger.gitz@hotmail.com.tokens
1017 18/12/24 07:20:42 pass init asger.gitz@hotmail.com.tokens
1018 18/12/24 07:20:45 pass show asger.gitz@hotmail.com.tokens
1019 18/12/24 07:20:51 pass list
1020 18/12/24 07:21:16 mbsync -a
1021 18/12/24 07:29:09 history
927 18/12/24 19:38:06 dwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
928 18/12/24 19:38:29 ./mutt_oauth2.py -v -t --authorize --client-id "9e5f94bc-e8a4-4e73-b8be-63364c29d753" --client-secret "" --email "asger.gitz@hotmail.com" --provider microsoft --decryption-pipe "gpg --decrypt /home/agj/.password-store/asger.gitz\@hotmail.com.gpg" /home/agj/email-token
929 18/12/24 19:38:58 /usr/share/neomutt/oauth2/mutt_oauth2.py -v -t --authorize --client-id "9e5f94bc-e8a4-4e73-b8be-63364c29d753" --client-secret "" --email "asger.gitz@hotmail.com" --provider microsoft --decryption-pipe "gpg --decrypt /home/agj/.password-store/asger.gitz\@hotmail.com.gpg" /home/agj/email-token
930 18/12/24 19:39:08 sudo vim /usr/share/neomutt/oauth2/mutt_oauth2.py
931 18/12/24 19:39:25 /usr/share/neomutt/oauth2/mutt_oauth2.py -v -t --authorize --client-id "9e5f94bc-e8a4-4e73-b8be-63364c29d753" --client-secret "" --email "asger.gitz@hotmail.com" --provider microsoft --decryption-pipe "gpg --decrypt /home/agj/.password-store/asger.gitz\@hotmail.com.gpg" /home/agj/email-token
932 18/12/24 19:39:39 cat /home/agj/email-token
933 18/12/24 19:39:53 ls ..
934 18/12/24 19:39:56 ls .. -lah
935 18/12/24 19:40:34 history | grep email-token.bak
936 18/12/24 19:40:42 cd ..
937 18/12/24 19:40:44 rm email-token
938 18/12/24 19:40:53 cp documents/email-token.bak email-token
939 18/12/24 19:40:57 /usr/share/neomutt/oauth2/mutt_oauth2.py -v -t --authorize --client-id "9e5f94bc-e8a4-4e73-b8be-63364c29d753" --client-secret "" --email "asger.gitz@hotmail.com" --provider microsoft --decryption-pipe "gpg --decrypt /home/agj/.password-store/asger.gitz\@hotmail.com.gpg" /home/agj/email-token
940 18/12/24 19:40:58 ls
941 18/12/24 19:40:59 ll
942 18/12/24 19:41:03 cat email-token
943 18/12/24 19:41:19 mw -l
944 18/12/24 19:41:20 mw -d
945 18/12/24 19:41:29 mw -a asger.gitz@hotmail.com
946 18/12/24 19:42:07 /usr/share/neomutt/oauth2/mutt_oauth2.py -v -t --authorize --client-id "9e5f94bc-e8a4-4e73-b8be-63364c29d753" --client-secret "" --email "asger.gitz@hotmail.com" --provider microsoft /home/agj/email-token-hest
947 18/12/24 19:42:47 ls
948 18/12/24 19:42:56 cat email-token-hest
949 18/12/24 19:43:00 mailsync
950 18/12/24 19:43:04 n .mbsyncrc
951 18/12/24 19:43:15 mailsync
952 18/12/24 19:43:20 n .mbsyncrc
953 18/12/24 19:43:36 cat .password-store/asger.gitz\@hotmail.com.tokens
954 18/12/24 19:43:45 file .password-store/asger.gitz\@hotmail.com.tokens
955 18/12/24 19:43:49 n .mbsyncrc
956 18/12/24 19:44:05 mailsync
957 18/12/24 19:44:13 mbsync -a
958 18/12/24 19:44:29 n .mbsyncrc
959 18/12/24 19:44:43 mbsync -a
960 18/12/24 19:44:46 n .mbsyncrc
961 18/12/24 19:45:17 mbsync -a
962 18/12/24 19:45:27 g456123
963 18/12/24 19:45:36 mailsync
964 18/12/24 19:32:53 Hyprland
965 18/12/24 19:45:46 sudo reboot
966 18/12/24 19:53:57 which view-mailcap
967 18/12/24 19:47:37 mailsync
968 18/12/24 19:47:49 ls
969 18/12/24 19:48:22 neomutt
## GPG
## GPG
You will need a `gpg` key for encryption purposes.
If you don't already have a `gpg` key, you can generate one with the `--full-gen-key` flag.
gpg --full-gen-key
gpg --full-gen-key
@ -334,6 +73,5 @@ neomutt
- [ ] instructions on installing mutt-wizard (oauth2 version) (ubuntu / arch) - including dependencies
- [ ] instructions on installing mutt-wizard (oauth2 version) (ubuntu / arch) - including dependencies
- Mention that the oauth2 version might be merged in the future and refer to luke's version if merged
- Mention that the oauth2 version might be merged in the future and refer to luke's version if merged
- [ ] instructions on registering app passwords (gmail / outlook)
- [ ] instructions on registering app passwords (gmail / outlook)
- [ ] instructions on how to use `pass`
- [x] figure out how to consistently use `mbsync -a` (perhaps a cronjob?)
- [x] figure out how to consistently use `mbsync -a` (perhaps a cronjob?)
- [ ] Start the article with a demo of what we'll be making
- [ ] Start the article with a demo of what we'll be making
Reference in New Issue
Block a user