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2024-08-06 20:35:00 +02:00
### Progress
- [x] Zeroth things first, let's create a simple CLI application with `--verbosity VAL` and `--help` options.
- [x] First things first, let's implement something that reacts when some provided file changes (not poll please).
- [x] Second things second, implement a simple logging system with differing levels of verbosity and configurable
output file using cli options.
- [x] Third things third, implement a thing that simultaneously watches two different files (multithreading).
it should be cancellable with ctrl+c, but it should just contiuously print event notifications.
- [x] Fourth things fourth, implement a prototype that reads a space-separated file and populates a struct.
- [x] Fifth things fifth, implement a prototype that spawns a new thread that executes a shell command.
- [x] Sixth things sixth, daemonize it!
- [ ] Seventh things seventh, package the sucker (arch, debian, alpine, docker)
- [x] archlinux
- [ ] debian
- see `/home/agj/documents/Projects/packaging/deb-packaging-tutorial.pdf`
- just use docker.
- [ ] alpine
- [ ] docker
- [ ] Eight things eight, try it out! - maybe even write the python webhook extension.
- [ ] Ninth things ninth, fix bugs, see below
- [ ] Tenth things tenth, write manpages, choose license
- [ ] Eleventh things Eleventh, polish
- [ ] Twelveth things last, release!
- Setup (will learn you how to set up subdomains (useful for
BOOKMARK: You were reading :Man system.unit and :Man systemd.service as preperation on making a systemd unit file
This will be needed for the .deb package, as well as the arch linux package.
alpine linux is using OpenRC (cool), which complicates things a little bit, but shouldn't be too bad. The wiki is
generally really well written. Otherwise, I am sure that both wiki.gentoo and wiki.archlinux have great pages too
docker is super easy, just make a dockerfile - only concern is the trigger files.
#### Bugs / Missing Features
- [x] command output is being inherited. It should be piped into some random log-file
- [ ] pretty sure that `ctrl+c` / SIGINT is not graceful yet.
- [ ] missing license (heavily considering GPLv3)
- [ ] pipeline scripts should be executed in a unique `/tmp` dir
- [ ] Some way for third parties to see which pipelines are currently running and their status.
- Could be as simple as looking in the logs directory.
- How to mark a run as failed / success / warn?
- Third parties may need to extract artifacts.
or maybe the scripts themselves would upload artifacts?
- [ ] I am deliberately not using `Restart=on-failure` in the `scid.service` file because we are using `Type=exec`
and not `Type=notify` (yet) - which would require a `sd_notify` call of `READY=1` (see `man systemd.service`)
### Note Regarding `inotify` usage
From the manpage:
With careful programming, an application can use inotify to efficiently monitor and cache the state of a set of
filesystem objects. However, robust applications should allow for the fact that bugs in the monitoring logic or races
of the kind described below may leave the cache inconsistent with the filesystem state. It is probably wise to do some
consistency checking, and rebuild the cache when inconsistencies are detected.
i.e., we should _also_ poll the watched files every once in a while (maybe once per minute? idk) to ensure that we catch
all events.
### Useful manpages
- `hier(7)`
- `daemon(7)` and `daemon(3)`
- `info make`
- ``