
15 KiB

+++ date = '2024-12-19' draft = true title = 'How to Use Two-Factor Authentication in Neomutt' tags = ['howto', 'tutorial', 'mutt', '2fa', 'oauth2'] categories = ['technical'] +++

  808  17/12/24 19:06:42 git clone
  809  17/12/24 19:07:18 cd mutt-wizard/
  810  17/12/24 19:07:18 ls
  811  17/12/24 19:07:24 which isync
  812  17/12/24 19:07:30 sudo pacman -S isync
  813  17/12/24 19:07:37 msmtp
  814  17/12/24 19:07:42 sudo pacman -S msmtp
  815  17/12/24 19:07:47 which pass
  816  17/12/24 19:07:51 pacman -Ss pass
  817  17/12/24 19:07:54 pacman -S pass
  818  17/12/24 19:07:57 sudo pacman -S pass
  819  17/12/24 19:08:13 passmenu
  820  17/12/24 19:08:44 vim /usr/bin/passmenu
  821  17/12/24 19:09:13 sudo vim /usr/bin/passmenu
  822  17/12/24 19:09:24 passmenu
  823  17/12/24 19:09:43 gpg --full-gen-key
  824  17/12/24 19:10:59 pass init
  825  17/12/24 19:11:08 which lynx
  826  17/12/24 19:11:13 which notmuch
  827  17/12/24 19:11:22 sudo pacman -S notmuch abook
  828  17/12/24 19:11:25 sudo pacman -S notmuch
  829  17/12/24 19:11:32 pacman -Ss abook
  830  17/12/24 19:11:37 yay -Ss abook
  831  17/12/24 19:11:47 yay -S abook
  832  17/12/24 19:12:15 mw
  833  17/12/24 19:12:16 ls
  834  17/12/24 19:12:35 ./bin/mw
  835  17/12/24 19:12:57 ls
  836  17/12/24 19:13:01 cat
  837  17/12/24 19:13:04 bat
  838  17/12/24 19:03:41 Hyprland
  839  17/12/24 19:20:13 pacman -Ss neomutt
  840  17/12/24 19:20:18 sudo pacman -S neomutt
  841  17/12/24 19:20:31 sudo pacman -Syu
  842  17/12/24 19:21:35 sudo pacman -S neomutt
  843  17/12/24 19:21:49 neomutt
  844  17/12/24 19:22:08 cd git/mutt-wizard/
  845  17/12/24 19:22:09 ls
  846  17/12/24 19:22:14 ./bin/mw -a
  847  17/12/24 19:22:21 ./bin/mw -a
  848  17/12/24 19:25:41 man neomutt
  849  17/12/24 19:25:57 man -s neomutt
  850  17/12/24 19:26:05 man -k neomutt
  851  17/12/24 19:26:10 apropos mutt
  852  17/12/24 19:26:14 man -k mutt
  853  17/12/24 19:26:18 man neomutt
  854  17/12/24 19:31:34 info neomutt
  855  17/12/24 19:31:41 man neomutt
  856  17/12/24 19:31:45 man 2 neomutt
  857  17/12/24 19:31:46 man 8 neomutt
  858  17/12/24 19:33:29 cd /usr/share/doc/neomutt/
  859  17/12/24 19:33:39 pacman -S pandoc
  860  17/12/24 19:33:41 sudo pacman -S pandoc
  861  17/12/24 19:37:07 pandoc -f html -t epub3 -o neomutt-manual.epub manual.html
  862  17/12/24 19:37:54 ls
  863  17/12/24 19:37:56 ls -lah
  864  17/12/24 19:38:05 pandoc -f html -t epub3 -o ~/neomutt-manual.epub manual.html
  865  17/12/24 19:30:34 ls /usr/share/doc/
  866  17/12/24 19:30:38 ls /usr/share/doc/neomutt/
  867  17/12/24 19:30:53 cd /usr/share/doc/neomutt/
  868  17/12/24 19:30:53 ls
  869  17/12/24 19:30:54 ll
  870  17/12/24 19:30:56 ranger
  871  17/12/24 22:01:44 n
  872  17/12/24 22:06:13 ls
  873  17/12/24 22:07:42 sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/mutt-wizard/mbsync-temp
  874  17/12/24 22:07:49 mkdir -p /usr/local/share/mutt-wizard/mbsync-temp
  875  17/12/24 22:07:52 sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/mutt-wizard/mbsync-temp
  876  17/12/24 22:08:04 sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/mutt-wizard/msmtp-temp
  877  17/12/24 22:08:08 sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/mutt-wizard/mutt-temp
  878  17/12/24 22:08:12 sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/mutt-wizard/notmuch-temp
  879  17/12/24 22:08:23 ls
  880  17/12/24 22:08:31 cp email-token email-token.bak
  881  17/12/24 22:19:45 ls
  882  17/12/24 22:21:53 ls /usr/local/share/mutt-wizard/notmuch-temp/
  883  17/12/24 22:22:03 ls /usr/local/share/mutt-wizard/
  884  17/12/24 22:22:10 ranger /usr/local/share/mutt-wizard/
  885  17/12/24 22:22:42 sudo rm -rf /usr/local/share/mutt-wizard/*
  886  17/12/24 22:31:31 n .mbsyncrc
  887  17/12/24 22:33:14 ls
  888  17/12/24 22:33:23 mv email-token.bak documents/
  889  17/12/24 22:33:24 ls do
  890  17/12/24 22:33:26 ls documents/
  891  17/12/24 22:34:10 lsblk
  892  17/12/24 22:34:13 df -h
  893  17/12/24 22:34:45 neomutt
  894  17/12/24 21:41:57 cd git/mutt-wizard/
  895  17/12/24 21:42:02 ./bin/mw -l
  896  17/12/24 21:42:10 ./bin/mw -a
  897  17/12/24 21:43:25 gpg --list-keys
  898  17/12/24 21:44:37 pass init
  899  17/12/24 21:44:52 pass help
  900  17/12/24 21:44:57 pass ls
  901  17/12/24 21:45:02 pass init
  902  17/12/24 21:45:05 ./bin/mw -a
  903  17/12/24 21:45:37 ./bin/mw
  904  17/12/24 21:45:46 ./bin/mw -D
  905  17/12/24 21:45:54 pass edit
  906  17/12/24 21:46:13 man pass
  907  17/12/24 21:46:44 pass edit
  908  17/12/24 21:48:44 ./bin/mw -a
  909  17/12/24 21:49:25 ./bin/mw -l
  910  17/12/24 21:49:30 ./bin/mw -d
  911  17/12/24 21:49:41 pass list
  912  17/12/24 21:49:46 pass help
  913  17/12/24 21:49:56 pass rm
  914  17/12/24 21:50:05 ./bin/mw
  915  17/12/24 21:50:11 ./bin/mw -a
  916  17/12/24 21:51:42 ./bin/mw -a -I 003 -S 587
  917  17/12/24 21:52:05 ./bin/mw -a -I 993 -S 587
  918  17/12/24 21:52:42 pass list
  919  17/12/24 21:52:48 pass help
  920  17/12/24 21:52:59 pass show
  921  17/12/24 21:53:03 pass show
  922  17/12/24 21:53:40 pass edit
  923  17/12/24 21:54:08 ./bin/mw -a -I 993 -S 587
  924  17/12/24 22:00:07 /usr/share/neomutt/oauth2/ -v -t --authorize --email "" --provider microsoft --encryption-pipe "gpg --encrypt --recipient"
  925  17/12/24 22:00:21 /usr/share/neomutt/oauth2/ -v -t --authorize --email "" --provider microsoft --encryption-pipe "gpg --encrypt --recipient" token_path
  926  17/12/24 22:02:36 ls
  927  17/12/24 22:02:39 cat token_path
  928  17/12/24 22:03:06 mv token_path ..
  929  17/12/24 22:03:09 cd ..
  930  17/12/24 22:03:10 ls
  931  17/12/24 22:03:14 mv token_path ..
  932  17/12/24 22:03:15 cd ..
  933  17/12/24 22:03:16 ls
  934  17/12/24 22:03:25 mv token_path email-token
  935  17/12/24 22:03:28 cd git/mutt-wizard/
  936  17/12/24 22:03:31 lg
  937  17/12/24 22:03:47 cd ..
  938  17/12/24 22:03:49 rm -rf mutt-wizard/
  939  17/12/24 22:03:54 git clone
  940  17/12/24 22:04:10 git clone
  941  17/12/24 22:04:14 cd mutt-wizard/
  942  17/12/24 22:04:15 ls
  943  17/12/24 22:04:21 lg
  944  17/12/24 22:04:29 ./bin/mw
  945  17/12/24 22:05:37 ./bin/mw -a
  946  17/12/24 22:07:19 ;s
  947  17/12/24 22:07:20 ls
  948  17/12/24 22:08:15 ./bin/mw -a
  949  17/12/24 22:09:30 ls ~
  950  17/12/24 22:09:37 ./bin/mw -l
  951  17/12/24 22:09:40 neomutt
  952  17/12/24 22:14:36 ./bin/mw -l
  953  17/12/24 22:14:39 ./bin/mw
  954  17/12/24 22:14:44 ./bin/mw -d
  955  17/12/24 22:15:02 mbsync -a
  956  17/12/24 22:16:09 cd
  957  17/12/24 22:16:16 ls .config/msmtp/config
  958  17/12/24 22:16:36 ln -s .config/msmtp/config .msmtprc
  959  17/12/24 22:16:40 ll
  960  17/12/24 22:17:47 cat .mbsyncrc
  961  17/12/24 22:17:56 ll
  962  17/12/24 22:18:11 ll .mbsyncrc
  963  17/12/24 22:18:29 cat .config/msmtp/config
  964  17/12/24 22:18:51 cd git/mutt-wizard/
  965  17/12/24 22:18:55 ./bin/mw
  966  17/12/24 22:19:03 ./bin/mw -a
  967  17/12/24 22:19:10 ./bin/mw -d
  968  17/12/24 22:19:13 ./bin/mw -a
  969  17/12/24 22:20:03 ls
  970  17/12/24 22:20:06 cat ./bin/mw
  971  17/12/24 22:20:36 less ./bin/mw
  972  17/12/24 22:22:59 ./bin/mw -a
  973  17/12/24 22:23:02 ./bin/mw -d
  974  17/12/24 22:23:04 ./bin/mw -a
  975  17/12/24 22:23:48 n bin/mw
  976  17/12/24 22:24:10 ./bin/mw -a
  977  17/12/24 22:24:14 ./bin/mw -d
  978  17/12/24 22:24:17 ./bin/mw -a
  979  17/12/24 22:24:52 msmtp -a
  980  17/12/24 22:24:58 mbsync -a
  981  17/12/24 22:25:02 man mbsync
  982  17/12/24 22:25:23 n bin/mw
  983  17/12/24 22:27:03 ls
  984  17/12/24 22:27:08 make
  985  17/12/24 22:27:12 sudo make install
  986  17/12/24 22:27:27 mw -d
  987  17/12/24 22:27:32 n bin/mw
  988  17/12/24 22:27:37 sudo make install
  989  17/12/24 22:27:47 mw -a
  990  17/12/24 22:28:08 neomutt
  991  17/12/24 22:28:17 mbsync -a
  992  17/12/24 22:29:24 cd ..
  993  17/12/24 22:29:32 yay -Ss cyrus-sasl
  994  17/12/24 22:29:47 yay -S cyrus-sasl-xoauth2.git
  995  17/12/24 22:29:58 yay -S cyrus-sasl-xoauth2-git
  996  17/12/24 22:30:17 mbsync -a
  997  17/12/24 22:37:12 mw
  998  17/12/24 22:37:18 man mbsync
  999  17/12/24 22:37:33 man mbsyncd
 1000  17/12/24 21:27:10 Hyprland
 1001  18/12/24 07:13:16 cd dotfiles/
 1002  18/12/24 07:13:17 n
 1003  18/12/24 07:14:15 cd dotfiles/
 1004  18/12/24 07:14:16 n
 1005  18/12/24 07:18:11 neomutt
 1006  18/12/24 07:18:21 mbsync -a
 1007  18/12/24 07:19:00 ls
 1008  18/12/24 07:19:02 ll
 1009  18/12/24 07:19:14 mbsync -a
 1010  18/12/24 07:19:38 gpg -qe -r
 1011  18/12/24 07:19:47 mbsync -a
 1012  18/12/24 07:20:03 pass init
 1013  18/12/24 07:20:05 mbsync -a
 1014  18/12/24 07:20:14 pass show
 1015  18/12/24 07:20:18 pass list
 1016  18/12/24 07:20:22 pass show
 1017  18/12/24 07:20:42 pass init
 1018  18/12/24 07:20:45 pass show
 1019  18/12/24 07:20:51 pass list
 1020  18/12/24 07:21:16 mbsync -a
 1021  18/12/24 07:29:09 history

   927  18/12/24 19:38:06 dwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  928  18/12/24 19:38:29 ./ -v -t     --authorize --client-id "9e5f94bc-e8a4-4e73-b8be-63364c29d753" --client-secret ""     --email "" --provider microsoft    --decryption-pipe "gpg --decrypt /home/agj/.password-store/asger.gitz\"  /home/agj/email-token
  929  18/12/24 19:38:58 /usr/share/neomutt/oauth2/ -v -t     --authorize --client-id "9e5f94bc-e8a4-4e73-b8be-63364c29d753" --client-secret ""     --email "" --provider microsoft    --decryption-pipe "gpg --decrypt /home/agj/.password-store/asger.gitz\"  /home/agj/email-token
  930  18/12/24 19:39:08 sudo vim /usr/share/neomutt/oauth2/
  931  18/12/24 19:39:25 /usr/share/neomutt/oauth2/ -v -t     --authorize --client-id "9e5f94bc-e8a4-4e73-b8be-63364c29d753" --client-secret ""     --email "" --provider microsoft    --decryption-pipe "gpg --decrypt /home/agj/.password-store/asger.gitz\"  /home/agj/email-token
  932  18/12/24 19:39:39 cat /home/agj/email-token
  933  18/12/24 19:39:53 ls ..
  934  18/12/24 19:39:56 ls .. -lah
  935  18/12/24 19:40:34 history | grep email-token.bak
  936  18/12/24 19:40:42 cd ..
  937  18/12/24 19:40:44 rm email-token
  938  18/12/24 19:40:53 cp documents/email-token.bak email-token
  939  18/12/24 19:40:57 /usr/share/neomutt/oauth2/ -v -t     --authorize --client-id "9e5f94bc-e8a4-4e73-b8be-63364c29d753" --client-secret ""     --email "" --provider microsoft    --decryption-pipe "gpg --decrypt /home/agj/.password-store/asger.gitz\"  /home/agj/email-token
  940  18/12/24 19:40:58 ls
  941  18/12/24 19:40:59 ll
  942  18/12/24 19:41:03 cat email-token
  943  18/12/24 19:41:19 mw -l
  944  18/12/24 19:41:20 mw -d
  945  18/12/24 19:41:29 mw -a
  946  18/12/24 19:42:07 /usr/share/neomutt/oauth2/ -v -t     --authorize --client-id "9e5f94bc-e8a4-4e73-b8be-63364c29d753" --client-secret ""     --email "" --provider microsoft    /home/agj/email-token-hest
  947  18/12/24 19:42:47 ls
  948  18/12/24 19:42:56 cat email-token-hest
  949  18/12/24 19:43:00 mailsync
  950  18/12/24 19:43:04 n .mbsyncrc
  951  18/12/24 19:43:15 mailsync
  952  18/12/24 19:43:20 n .mbsyncrc
  953  18/12/24 19:43:36 cat .password-store/asger.gitz\
  954  18/12/24 19:43:45 file .password-store/asger.gitz\
  955  18/12/24 19:43:49 n .mbsyncrc
  956  18/12/24 19:44:05 mailsync
  957  18/12/24 19:44:13 mbsync -a
  958  18/12/24 19:44:29 n .mbsyncrc
  959  18/12/24 19:44:43 mbsync -a
  960  18/12/24 19:44:46 n .mbsyncrc
  961  18/12/24 19:45:17 mbsync -a
  962  18/12/24 19:45:27 g456123
  963  18/12/24 19:45:36 mailsync
  964  18/12/24 19:32:53 Hyprland
  965  18/12/24 19:45:46 sudo reboot
  966  18/12/24 19:53:57 which view-mailcap
  967  18/12/24 19:47:37 mailsync
  968  18/12/24 19:47:49 ls
  969  18/12/24 19:48:22 neomutt


gpg --full-gen-key


First, sign in to your mail through the browser. This is needed for the OAuth2 authorization flow. As part of installing neomutt, you should have the oauth2 python script located in /usr/share/neomutt/oauth2/. We need to register neomutt as an already trusted app. We will simply abuse the thunderbird client-id for this, which is: 9e5f94bc-e8a4-4e73-b8be-63364c29d753 - with this you don't need to specify a client secret:

/usr/share/neomutt/oauth2/ \
    -v \
    -t \
    --authorize \
    --client-id "9e5f94bc-e8a4-4e73-b8be-63364c29d753" \
    --client-secret "" \
    --email "your-email-here" \
    --provider microsoft \

This will ask you a couple of questions. Select authcode for the preferred OAuth2 flow. If prompted for a client secret, simply press enter. You should get a link - enter that link into your browser and allow the app. By the end of the flow you should end up at an empty website. Copy the last part of the URL and paste it into your terminal. After this you should have a token file located at $HOME/email-token. It's a good idea to take a backup of this file just in case you overwrite it. But if you do loose it, you can just run the flow again.


Phew! That was a lot. We are almost there! Based on mutt-wizard.

After this, you should edit your ~/.mbsyncrc file, as the default PassCmd is not quite configured yet. It should look something like this (make sure to change your-email-here and username to the appropriate values):

PassCmd "/usr/share/neomutt/oauth2/ --encryption-pipe 'gpg -e -r your-email-here' /home/username/email-token"

You should now be able to run mailsync:


It might ask you to select which profile to sync. Just provide the name you set when setting up your gpg profile and everything should sync now! After a successful sync, you should be able to just open neomutt and start reading, replying and whatever you do with email!



  • introduction
  • instructions on installing mutt-wizard (oauth2 version) (ubuntu / arch) - including dependencies
  • Mention that the oauth2 version might be merged in the future and refer to luke's version if merged
  • instructions on registering app passwords (gmail / outlook)
  • instructions on how to use pass
  • figure out how to consistently use mbsync -a (perhaps a cronjob?)
  • Start the article with a demo of what we'll be making